(If you liked playing this simulator, please consider giving me a tip on Ko-Fi! This game will remain free forever (and frankly I would feel horrible if I tried to paywall something like this anyways), the Ko-fi is purely just a optional "Thank you!" kind of thing.)

Want to scratch that "get lucky, obtain rare character" itch without the temptation/annoyance of in-game purchases with real world money? Here at last is the answer to that problem, the Gacha Game Simulator! It's a bit of a prototype/alpha just to test the idea, but it works fairly well anyways!

This was made with HTML and Javascript (and a bit of CSS to keep all the pages in a sort of Dark Mode). It's fairly basic, you go to the Currency Generator page to get currency to make pulls on the other pages. This is purely the actual gacha part of a gacha game, unfortunately there's nothing to actually do with the characters you get. But hey, you can get them!

So just to emphasize, this game is completely free! Each pull needs a certain amount of currency, which you can get from clicking the button on the Currency Generator page for free. Though I would recommend not clicking any buttons in the simulator too quickly, due to potential loading issues.

There's also a gallery so you can view the characters without needing to go through the gacha pulls!

You can also turn on True Gacha Mode to play the simulator with pull rates that are closer to real gacha games. Meaning that you'll be a lot less lucky in getting the rarer characters!

2/4/2022: New big update available! This update features the following:

  • Each pull page now displays probabilities for each pull! 10% for Gold Rank, 20% for Silver Rank, and 70% for Bronze Rank. In the special character banners, it's 7% for the banner character, 3% for the remaining Gold Rank characters, and then the same probabilities as before for the other two ranks.
  • Currency was added in! Generate them just from button clicks on the Currency Generator page, and then spend them on the pulls.
  • There is now a tracker at the top of the pages for how much currency you have, how much you've spent on pulls, and how many pulls you've done. Unfortunately it doesn't differentiate between the different pulls. Each value caps out at 999999999.
  • The gallery page now tracks how many of each character you've gotten! If you click on a character's icon, it will display the number of copies obtained along with the character's description.
  • And of course, a bunch of new characters added! Will you be able to get The Handsomest Butler? CHAOSCLOWN? Or even Spooky Linguine?! Give the simulator a try and find out!

2/13/2022: Probably the last big update of the game! At least for the time being.

  • Added a History feature! The History page will track your pulls up to the last 50 pulls.
  • On each pull page, when you click on the button to make a pull, there is a separate local counter near the button to track how many pulls you've made on that page. It will reset when you navigate away from the page, but the main tracker at the top will still keep track of your totals as before. If you have connection or computer issues, I recommend paying attention to the local counter to make sure you don't miss a click by mistake!
  • Added a 3-pull, 5-pull, and 7-pull to the game!
  • Reorganized the front page to look a little nicer, and to organize all the links better.

7/1/2022: Another big update, possibly the last big update of the game!! (But who knows, things could still change lol)

  • Add two more tiers of characters, Platinum and Tin! The order of rarity goes, from rarest to most common: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Tin.
  • With the new tiers comes new characters! Three for Platinum, and five for Tin.
  • Also implemented a new True Gacha Mode! Having this mode activated means that the rates will be closer to those of most actual gacha games. That is, getting the rarer characters will be much more difficult! Try it out and see the difference in your pulls between having the mode on and off.
  • And also reorganized some of the pull pages to look nicer. At least, I hope they look nicer.

Bug & fixes:

  • (2/4/2022) Fixed a bug where the Currency Generator was adding more currency than it was supposed to. In the code I had "value += value + randomNumber" which basically doubled the currency before adding the random generator amount, when it should have been just "value += randomNumber".
  • (2/13/2022) Not exactly a bug or fix, but the source files are now hosted on GitHub! The game code is also now licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License, so now it's formally open source. Make your own branches and create your own versions of the simulator! Make new pages, use different images, etc.

Potential future improvements:

  • Adding a pity system like real gacha games? Not even sure where to begin with it, but it's worth a shot!
  • Maybe work on prettying up the UI a bit more, though admittedly I do like how straightforward and basic it looks.
  • A tutorial mode? Most gacha games do have tutorials, as annoying as they can be sometimes, so maybe I should put something similar here.
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)

Development log


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Omg it's amazing I can't stop playing